Domestic Partnership Marriage – HB1745/1735

I have just read the bills for HB 1745 and the domestic partnership bill.  I also have just read HB 1735 minimum wage bill.
The minimum wage bill is a bill to the people to vote on.  A greater topic of social questioning in the domestic partnership bills are not being sent to the people.  I believe the people would now cut out all of these referendums if presented to them.  Scared little cats yes they are.
IN HB 1745 there is no restriction for domestic partners to not be closely related.  The exclusion only refers to those who are man and woman.  The wording is very precise and clearly defined.  An adopted or fosterchild or step child is not included although I believe it should be because of the closeness of the relationship.
The domestic partnership bill which is over 106 pages in length is continually addressing the need to this to be in compliance with the internal revenue service.  The use of domestic partnership is indeed not in compliance with the internal revenue service and thus would not take affect until the U.S. Congress recognizes domestic partnerships or the internal revenue service recognizes domestic partnerships.  But your same argument or additional legislation would apply for an argument here.  The courts or a small slip of a bill could make this into law.  The objective is to numb the citizens into complacency.
Also, from the farmers standpoint the IRS codes as relating to inheribted farms from an estate and assessing a state estate tax seems to be different than the federal laws.  I have not reviewed those laws in a few years but if correct then two books would have to be kept for the passing of an estate farm to the next generation.


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